Shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia
Shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia

Charlie: Oh, not telegraphy, mental telepathy. Henderson: Well I ought to, that's my business. Henderson, do you believe in telepathy? Mrs. All I'm waiting for now is a miracle.Ĭharlie: Mrs. I guess we'll just have to wait for a miracle - or something.I don't believe in good intentions anymore. What were you thinking of doing for her? Charlie: Oh, nothing I suppose. And I think we ought to do something for her. You know, she's really a wonderful woman. Charlie: Yes, poor mother, she works like a dog, just like a dog.When she comes back, it will be the same thing.

shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia

We don't even have any real conversations. How can you talk about money when I'm talking about souls? We eat and sleep and that's about all. What's gonna be our future? Joseph: Oh, come now, Charlie. We just sort of go along and nothing happens.

shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia

Joseph: What are you going to give up? Charlie: Have you ever stopped to think that a family should be the most wonderful thing in the world and that this family's just gone to pieces? Joseph: We have? Charlie: Of course we have. Dialogue Charlie: I've come to the conclusion that I give up. Written by Thornton Wilder, Sally Benson, and Alma Reville, based on a story by Gordon McDonell. Shadow of a Doubt is a 1943 film noir about a young woman who thinks her uncle, for whom she is named, may be a serial killer.ĭirected by Alfred Hitchcock. Have you ever stopped to think that a family should be the most wonderful thing in the world and that this family's just gone to pieces?

shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia

I guess heaven takes care of fools and scoundrels.

Shadow of a doubt 1943 wikipedia